Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oooooooooo Christmas Tree!!

It snowed all day yesterday...SO first it wasn't sticking, but then it got colder and there is snow everywhere....soooo gross!!

This year, I made the rash decision to buy a white artificial tree. A $35 artificial tree. Like seriously? Why did I think that was a good idea haha. Luckily Nick was an angel and came and set it up for me (because obv. J.Coop lives in Indiana and wasn't here to do it for me!). As you can see it looks super realistic....

HAHAHA are you in love? Because I am. I bought lots of bright colored ornaments...and I know what you're looks like I just threw a sheet around the bottom and pretended it was a tree skirt...but seriously this year I actually bought a tree skirt...and that is what it looks like. SERIOUSLY??!

Today I attempted to go to church...too much ice and too much snow on my car. Cait is coming to pick me up for a weekend at school (draggggg) getting ready for the week. More Christmas posts later!! LOVE YOU, BYEEEE!

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