Saturday, October 31, 2009

One Year!!

This was the longest, most stressful week ever....ending in my classroom and the carpeted hallway outside my room smelling like PUKE all day yesterday. AWESOME.

but it's okay
this weekend (HALLOWEEN WEEKEND!)
is Kate Bing & Jessica Cooper's 1 YEAR FRIEND-VERSARY!!
(ok I mean I got the idea for a Friend-Versary because 2 of my 6th graders celebrated their 7 year Friend-Versary during homeroom but whatever)

Last Halloween weekend, J.Coop and I fell in love.
We went out for 2 nights in BG...I somehow convinced J.Coop to NOT stay home and clean her apartment (using the line "You can clean your apartment NEXT year"...which is pretty funny because my 1/2 nap yesterday evening resulted in me waking up 12 hours later...oops missed whatever was going on last night)And then we went to Indianapolis, became BFF even though we were both ridiculous and decided to move there. Except I didn't and now I live in the middle of nowhere PA. Whatever we even had coordinating costumes. SO CUTE

And now, for a mini trip down memory lane......look how happy we are together!!

(my students saw this picture and were convinced that I had a sister!!)

Anyway, Happy One Year, J.Coop!! I misssssss you so much....please don't forget about me while you're living the life in Indy!! Love you!!

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