Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I loveeee you!

well, now that it is officially fall, and I have vowed to be a better bloggggger, I thought I would share with you a few things I am currently enjoying.

#1 um NAIL POLISH. Legit. Love the new Essie fall colors. I am currently wearing a purple color called Plumski with a matte finish. I mean sure they chip pretty much the second I walk into school, but I'm currently obsessed.
#2 These boots from Target....actually boots in general. Wear them to work and wear them in real life (usually with cute knee socks sticking out from the top). I love, love, love boots and these are a great, affordable my students say "MISSSSS you wearin those cowboy boots today!!" 
#3 PLATE TECTONICS!! Ok...I love plate tectonics SO much...and I think we are finally ready to move on from the "Nature of Science and Technology" unit my poor kids have been struggling their way through...not that rocks and minerals are interesting to anyone but me...
#4 This weekend I am going home to NY! I can't wait to see friends and fam and NANA who is staying at my house....I plan on drinking lots of coffee at my favorite coffee place, cuddling Mare, and packing my car full of books and boots and berets.
#5 Hello, this needs to be my life motto:

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