Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Interesting day

Today I miss MGDUBS a lot. And I mean everyone. Not just everyone present in this classy pic.

So today was quite an interesting day. This afternoon, we were informed that our school was under lockdown. We were told it was some sort of shooting... apparently there was a standoff between the police and some homicide suspect. We ended up having to stay with the kids until 5pm. Not really all that fun...not to mention kind of threw off my planning and prep after school. Check out the riveting story here.

3 years ago, when I went to Eastern University, I signed up to be a bone marrow donor. They said they needed people who were Asian. I filled out my paper work and swabbed my cheeks and kind of forgot about it. Today when I checked my voicemail at lunch, I had a message from Be The Match. They found that I am a 6/6 match (I honestly have no idea what that means) for an 11 year old girl with a chromosomal abnormality that is somehow similar to leukemia. I have to eat lunch with my kids every other day so I planned on calling back after school. Before the day was over, I had 2 more voicemail messages asking me to call back. I got another teacher to watch my kids for a little during the lockdown and called to get more info. I am getting a prescreening blood test on Wednesday & have a bunch of paperwork to fill out this week. I am praying that I am a match for this little girl...even though I have to get a huge needle stuck in my pelvis if I am. At first, I was legit really scared, but now I will be so disappointed if I am not a match for her. Please, please pray that this all works out!!

Now, I am finishing up lessons & watching my main man O-Baby deliver a little State of the Union...
"The best antipoverty program around is a world class education"

Oh O-baby, I do love you.

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I are SOOOOOO PROUD of you!! We're praying for this little girl. It would be a previledge to help someone in this way. Mom<><
