Just in case you don't know us (which is pretty impossible, because we're like AMAZING/our only readers are our friends), we decided to introduce ourselves... and by ourselves we mean each other.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kate Bing
By Jessica Cooper

Some of her favorite things in life are dresses with pockets, edamame and other REALLY weird foods, diet dr. pepper, the cupid shuffle, iced coffees, wearing costumes, and making a scene in public. She loves life and is always up for anything. Kate loves books, igneous intrusions, math, and keeping cheesy fiesta potatoes in her purse at all times. The dress in the picture above was recently spotted on the one and only Michelle Obama. Kate had it first, duh.
Kate is one of the most wonderful people I've ever met in my entire life. The End.
An Ode to Jessica D. Cooper by Kate Bing

Where's Adventure #1???? Your audience is dying to know what happened!!!